Let’s Talk – Focus, Precision, Accuracy

LED Illumination

Seiler users the brightest LED Illumination on the market at 150,000 lux. Why is this important? As you increase the power of magnification you lose light, this is when LED at 150,000 lux gives you the illumination you need to see more.

LED for colour rendition which mimics natural daylight, low heat output and virtually no maintenance.

Steps of Magnification

Seiler offer 3 or 6 steps of magnification enhancing precision and improving the overall quality of all treatments. Treatment planning starts with seeing exactly where you need it. This is particularly true of endodontic applications, where complex and diverse problems often need treating.

Restorative Dentistry

Quickly detect enamel and dentine fractures as well as approximal caries. High precision optics enhance visualisation and allow accurate assessment of crown edges, preparation levels and veneers.


LED Illumination and 6 steps of magnification help facilitate a better view of fine anatomical structures and details of root canals and isthmuses.


Increased visualisation, illumination and precision create a more accurate basis for a range of restorative therapies allowing you to operate with confidence.


A better view of anatomical details enhances predictability and accuracy of microsurgical techniques, fine sutures can lead to more precise outcomes.