Great value, durable chairs with comfort features for both Patient and Operator. Ultra-slim backrests, smooth movements, excellent cushioning and lumbar support.
Chair Section Features Include:
Twin-articulating headrest
Pantograph base with 60° rotation
2 preset positions, Last Position Memory (LP) & Auto-Return
Swing-out armrest
- 8-way foot control
Package Options:
Clesta II Pedestal Cuspidor
Clesta II ‘M’ Module delivery system (‘A’ or ‘E’)
Clesta II ‘MC’ Mobile Cart delivery system (‘A’ or ‘E’)
Voyager ‘M’ Module delivery system (‘A’)
- Voyager ‘MC’ Mobile Cart delivery system (‘A’)
Chair Mounted Operating Light:
300 LED Series
700 Series
- 900 LED Series
X-Ray options:
Upholstery Options: