Let’s Talk Digital Imaging
Patient expectations…
A picture is worth a thousand words – this couldn’t be truer in dentistry. To avoid losing a patients understanding and in turn, their trust through the complexity of dental technology, an image speaks for itself.
In the diagnosis and treatment planning stages, patients can struggle to identify with x-rays of themselves. The functional benefits of treatment can be explained to a patient using an x-ray image, however, patients wants to understand the aesthetical changes and will relate better to an image of their actual face as they ordinarily see it.
To be able to use digital imaging to help create a 3D ‘virtual patient’ speaks volumes. It builds a platform for patients to identify and take ownership of their x-rays, which in turn allows patients to feel more confident in their treatment plan and alleviates initial fears they might have about their treatment.
CBCT digital imaging is a logical investment in a modern practice with many practices having already made this leap because the advantages of using digital imaging far outweigh the initial capital expenditure. Take some examples from Planmeca’s digital imaging portfolio; their ProMax 3D CBCT offers lower radiation (ultra low dose – 70% lower than an OPG), a substantial reduction in time, effortless storage and organisation, and improvements to the actual image for more detailed information and improved communication.
Likewise, CBCT is regularly utilised by many disciplines, becoming the recommended standard for procedures like implant placement and endodontics. CBCT scanners have decreased dramatically in cost these past few years, making them more accessible. Software has become more user-friendly with significant improvement in capabilities. When implemented properly, in partnership with a reputable brand like Planmeca and with local digital expertise through DB Dental, the transition to digital dentistry can be both enjoyable and highly productive.